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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Ointment And Cream Preparation Plant

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This plant is mainly used for manufacturing pharmaceutical Ointments, Creams, Sterile preparation , Cosmetic , Suspensions and gels for optimum performance. This plant is mainly consist of main mixing vessel that is Planetary Mixer, Wax – Melting Tank, Storage Tank, Bump Pump for product- transfer and metering  pump for delivery to filling machine.  For mixing of material, main planetary mixer  is provided with 2 No’s. Multi bladed beaters  and  centrally it is provided with high speed homogenizer for emulsifying .  In addition, it is also provided with scraper blade with Teflon for continuous scraping of equipment wall. This will avoid charring and knot formation of processed materials.

Salient Features

Wide range of batch capacities 100kg to 1500 kgs
Completely human un-touch process and hence very less chance of contamination
S.S. 304 jacketed & Insulated Vessel for heating and cooling process
One point control system provided with single control - panel thus facilitates less manpower for operation.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Automatic Coating Machinery, Capsule Strip Packing Machinery, Coating Pan, Coating System, Communiting Mill, Conta And Bin Blender, Crystallisers, Double Cone Blender, Drum Blender, Drum Mixers, Fluid Bed Dryer, Horizontal Oscilating Granulator, Liquid And Syrup Manufacturing Plants, Mechanical Sifter, Mechanical Sifters, Mixing And Granulating And Homogenizer Machines, Mixing Tank, Multi Mill, Octagonal Blender, Ointment And Cream Preparation Plant, Online Colloid Mill, Oscilating Granulator, Paste Kettle, Paste Preparation Vessel, Paste Preparation Vessels, Pharma Machinery, Pharmaceutical Machinery, Planetary Mixer, Planetary Mixer (Standard), Planetary Mixer (Vacuum Jacketed And Homogenizer), Planetary Mixer For Cream, Planetary Mixer For Ointment, Planetary Mixers, Products, Rapid Mixer Granulator, Rapid Mixer Granulators, Rapid Mixers, Rapid Mixture Granulator, Ribbon Blender And Mixer, Rmg, Sifters, Sterile Drum Blender, Sterilise In Place Reactors, Stretch Wrapping Machine, Strip Packing Machinery, Strip Packing Machinery For Tablets And Capsules, Strip Packing Machines, Tablet Strip Packing Machinery, Tablets Strip Packing Machinery, Turbo Sifter, V Blender, V Blenders, Vaccum Double Cone Blender, Vertical Drum Blender, Vertical Oscilating Granulator, Vibro Sifter, Vibro Sifters, Wet Granulators